Long Time Comin’

For those of you who have been waiting for an update on my HOn30 Shay … this one has been a long time comin’. I have not been spending much time on it, because I am building a diorama of the Dutch Inlet Canning Company. I however also had issues with my 3D-printing service. First of all they increased the material cost and secondly they increased the shipping cost.


You can imagine that sending over test parts for fitting purposes, became a bit too expensive. Fortunately Shapeways, a well known 3D-printing service introduced a new high detail material just before Easter. They named this material Frosted Ultra Detail and the specs come very close to the material that was used by the old printing service. So I started designing parts for the Shay again … and will make them available online in the near future. 

2 thoughts on “Long Time Comin’

  1. Just send you an short ‘shout out’ from the Shapeways forum. I have two orders in with Shapeways for FUD prints. The first one was accepted April 22 and has been “In Production” for a week at least! Man .. I know they got overwhelmed by the response for FUD but .. jumping frogs (or somesuch) .. the waiting sucks! ha.

  2. Yep, same here. Uploaded my Shay parts on the 22nd of April and ordered them in FUD. They have been in production ever since and I have not seen any parts yet. Today’s post on the Shapeways blog mentions that they have invested in a new FUD printer, so I hope to see some results soon!

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